The Red Saddle Clown, Amphiprion ephippium (pairs)
The Red Saddle Clown, Amphiprion ephippium (pairs)
The Saddle Tomato Clownfish is a dark red/orange colouration, though juveniles can have some white lines on their heads as well. As these fish mature, they will lose the white bars and will develop the dark posterior or saddle on both sides of its body. This member of the Pomacentridae family is an excellent addition to almost any saltwater aquarium system.
The Saddle Tomato Clownfish females will be the largest of the pair and the two fish will usually stay close to each other in the aquarium.
The Saddle Tomato Clownfish do well in an aquarium containing almost any anemone type, In nature they are found to host Bubble Tip Anemones and Crispa Anemones.
This Clownfish species is an aggressive eater. It its diet should consist of almost any meaty food items and herbivore preparations.