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The Reef Experience

Swallowtail Angel (Genicanthus melanospilos)

Swallowtail Angel (Genicanthus melanospilos)

Regular price £70.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £70.00 GBP
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The Swallowtail Angelfish is also known as the Spotbreast Angelfish and Blackspot Angelfish.  The Male Swallowtail Angelfish is identified by the dark, vertical lines along its sides.  And the Female Swallowtail Angelfish is much lighter is color, with a solid colored pale white and yellow body and a blue caudal fin.  Swallowtail Angelfish have been known to grow up to 7 inches. The Swallowtail Angelfish is an active fish and should be given plenty of room to swim around. It is a peaceful species and and will not harm Sponges, Corals or any other sessile Invertebrate.

A great addition to your marine salt water aquarium!

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