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The Reef Experience

Red Jawfish (Opistognathus rufilineatus)

Red Jawfish (Opistognathus rufilineatus)

Regular price £40.00 GBP
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The Red Jaw fish is moderately hardy. It tends to be shy and is best kept with other docile fish. It will not bother other tank inhabitants, but other burrowing fish may bully it. It needs to be kept on 5-7 inches of fine soft substrate such as sand of various particle sizes (not fine). Known for being a jumper when startled or frightened, the tank should have a tight-fitting lid. This fish will spend much of its time in its burrow and when it does venture out, if it is startled, it will bolt back into its burrow tail first with lightning speed. As long as the tank is large enough, several can be kept in the same tank. Multiple specimens provide very interesting behavior as they "dance" up and down in the burrow. Supply various size rocks among the soft substrate to help reinforce the burrows against them; rock piles are ideal.Although other jaw fish may exhibit colour variations during breeding, the Red Jaw fish does not. One differentiating characteristic is that since it is a mouth breeder, the male will hold the eggs in his mouth. The Red Jaw fish is typically a shy feeder, eating very small live foods that wander near its burrow in the wild. In the tank, it can be enticed with small pieces of mussel, Daphne, brine shrimp, blood worms, or other meaty foods. Eventually, prepared foods can be offered. Feeding must be done near the burrow. 


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