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The Reef Experience

Rainbow Bubble Tip, red tip metallic Anemone, Entacmaea Quadricolor

Rainbow Bubble Tip, red tip metallic Anemone, Entacmaea Quadricolor

Regular price £66.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £66.00 GBP
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Coloured / Rainbow Bubble Tip Anemone (orange tip metallic)


Medium / High

Indian Ocean

Beautiful multi coloured strain. Bubble Tips are one of the best anemone choices for a reef aquarium and usually thrive under good conditions.

Anemones will often survive on uneaten fish food but can also be deliberately fed by gently placing food on tentacles a few times a week. Mysis shrimp is a good food for most species. 

Anemones are similar in appearance to some large polyp stony corals but unlike corals they are able to move around independently in order to find a suitable spot. Once happy anemones will generally stay in one place.


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