Madagascan Holy Grail Flasher Wrasse, Paracheilinus hemitaeniatus Pair
Madagascan Holy Grail Flasher Wrasse, Paracheilinus hemitaeniatus Pair
The term Holy Grail is overused in the reefing hobby but this fish, Paracheilinus hemitaeniatus, is surely worthy of the title. Also known as the Madagascar or Half-banded Flasher Wrasse, this species only comes from Madagascar and adjacent coastal South African provinces and has only been in the hobby a small handful of times in the last ten years.
Paracheilinus hemitaeniatus was described in 1977 by J. E Randall, and M.L. Harmelin-Vivien and occurs on outer reef slopes, rich in invertebrates, at depths from 25-50m. It’s been photographed in the wild by photographer Dennis King and featured in Rudie Kuiter’s iconic book Fairy and Rainbow Wrasses and their relatives, in 2002. Its identified by six longitudinal lines on its body and the filamentous lobes on the caudal fins of mature males. Females have the longitudinal lines too but are smaller and less spectacular.
Like all flashers, when the male Holy Grail Flasher Wrasse turns off his color and goes timid you could mistake him for other members of the genus, but when he does display it is nothing short of magnificent.
Five years ago, pre-covid pricing was around $1000 when offered in America.