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The Reef Experience

Harlequin Grouper, Cephalopholis polleni

Harlequin Grouper, Cephalopholis polleni

Regular price £80.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £80.00 GBP
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The Harlequin Grouper is beautifully coloured with a green and yellow body with yellow tipped dorsal and anal fins. The body of these fish is lined in blue. These fish are a rare find in the industry and make a great addition to a large saltwater fish only aquarium. 

A larger aquarium is required due to its size and feeding habits. 

To accommodate the Polleni Grouper’s size and behaviour, a spacious aquarium with ample hiding places and rock formations is necessary. The tank should be equipped with a powerful filtration system to maintain water quality. These groupers are carnivorous predators, primarily feeding on small fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods. Offering a varied diet consisting of high-quality, meaty foods such as shrimp, fish fillets, and squid is essential for their nutritional needs.

The Harlequin Grouper prefers a diet of meaty foods such as krill, shrimp, along with a high quality marine flake and marine pellet food.

For further information on keeping Marine fish please follow this link below

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