Blue Spot Sanddiver, Trichonotus setigerus
Blue Spot Sanddiver, Trichonotus setigerus
In the wild, the Blue Spot Sanddiver occurs in small schools above the sandy flats and slopes where current are the strongest. They will spend their time swimming against the current catching zooplankton out of the water column with their large mouths. When startled, they will quickly dive into the sand and stay submerged for long periods of time.
The Blue Spot Sanddiver will do well in established reef aquariums or peaceful fish aquariums utilizing live rock for filtration or decoration. They need at least a 3" sand bed as a substrate and may spend long periods buried in the sand. They are a peaceful fish that will not do well with aggressive tank mates. They need strong, non-laminar water movement, especially lower in the aquarium, to feel comfortable.
The Blue Spot Sanddiver will accept small meaty foods such as brine shrimp. It is advised to purchase live brine with this fish in order to stimulate the feeding response in your aquarium. They will take to other prepared foods once established in their new homes.